Ooooodles of zines to share!

Lots of fanzines arrived, several while I was away from my computer, so I have not had a chance myself to read them all.  The Kommandeur is new to me–a clubzine for AHIKS, which looks to be a club for gamers. It LOOKS good, but more than that I am not qualified to say.

Leybl Botwinik’s Cyber Cozen is WARP’s penpal. I was intrigued by his review of The Seven Sisters , AKA What Happened to Monday?.

Alexiad has reviews of books, conventions, movies, comics, as well as other news and articles.


CCOctober 2017-v02


Revenge of Hump Day 2017-10-11

Revenge of Hump Day 2017-10-04

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November events in Montreal

There are three events in Montreal & Laval in November–all on the same weekend, oddly.

November 5&6, 2017 – Geekfest Montreal, College de Maisonneuve, Montreal. For more information,

November 4 &5, 2017 – Expo Train Modélisme: Polyvalente Georges-Vanier, 3995 Boulevard Lévesque Est, Laval
Pour voir l’itinéraire, cliquez ici.

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Plusieurs réseaux de trains miniatures en opération, Consultations techniques et conseils ,Modèles à coller, Dioramas, Millitaires, Modèles téléguidés, Avions, Autos, Camions, Bâteaux, Mécanos, Figurines, Modèles Diescast, Collectionneurs

November 5, 2017 – Toy Con: Courtyard Marriott Hotel 7000 Place Robert-Joncas, St Laurent, QC  H4M-2Z5
(Near Mega-Plex Speheretech 14 – Cinema Guzzo)
Date and Time: Sunday, November 5th from 10am to 4pm  Admission $5