Remote Sensors: Pubbing the ish

Sensors received the November issue of the BCSFAzine. It’s a bit late, but what else is new in fandom? Contrary to common belief, we do have lives! Edited by Felicity Walker, this is the clubzine for the British Columbia Science Fiction Association,  Includes report on the October meeting and the first part of a review of VCON. Lots of LoCs, a funny one from Taral Wayne.

Very remote sensors–had to send a probe out to  search e-fanzines –found that Dale Spiers of Calgary has published Opuntia 331. Back in the Good Ol’ Days, Opuntia and WARP traded paper copies. His new look is quite glitzy–great pictures of New Year’s Eve in Calgary. Coyboy Santa?

The remote probe also ran across Broken Toys 45, the Christmas Issue, by Taral Wayne, Toronto.  I only meant to scan it, but ended up reading it all. He’s a wonderful writer. He reminisces on Christmases past, and follows this up with a Fraggle Rock story: Rock and Yule.

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Graeme has now got a Go Fund Me campaign underway to finance the first issue. The name has (thankfully) been changed from Polar Yites! to Polar Boreal. “I realise the title of my proposed zine “POLAR YITES!” was essentially a self-indulgent in-joke, and not at all professional, but I figured it would get people talking till I came up with something better”

If you like the idea of helping writers new to the genre get their first sale, not to mention funding an old phart’s crazy hobby, please donate whenever you feel like it. The more issues I can publish, the greater the number of beginning writers who can get their first break. Sound like a great idea? I like to think so.

I think so, too, and sent a few bucks his way. The cover is by Jean Pierre Normand.