Fanzines to share!

Fanzines to Share!

First up, CyberCozen, edited by Leybl Botwinik who writes:

CELEBRATING 50 YEARS SINCE THE APOLLO 11 MOON LANDING !!!! Welcome to our latest issue of CyberCozen, — Israel’s longest running and only English language SF fanzine
(we’ve been around since 1989)

Enjoy this month’s issue and don’t feel shy to send us your feedback 🙂   – Leybl Botwinik, CyberCozen Editor.

George Philies sent Tightbeam from the N3F:

Behold the  August Tightbeam

As a minor note, someone has been sending out emails pretending to be me and asking for money. It’s not me. I have money, thanks. Please do not send them any money.

This issue of Tightbeam is under 30 pages, which appeared to be the concensus. Because we have more book reviews than that, the N3F Writers Exchange Bureau, Pro Bureau and Book Review Bureau will now be issuing a new zine:

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Expect it to appear sooner or later, probably this month.

And from the British Columbia SF Association , Felicity Walker has sent us the BCSFAZine 536
It’s dated January 2018, but it is the latest issue. Felicity has fallen a little behind, and is still trying to catch up.  😀