Interesting theatre, dance event in Montreal

I received the following letter from Théo Arnulf, from the FTA which is a festival for theatre and dance.

It’s a bit out of our usual interests, but might interest some of our members and fb followers. Be aware, the performers are nude, so maybe not for all. 😉  The website is here. You can download the press release from here. 


Dear President of MonSFFA,

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From May 25 to May 27 at the Theatre Prospero, Dark Field Analysis uses the analogy of blood for looking inwards : the lighting magnifies the posthuman forms, disconcerting music invades the space, speech becomes a chant. Our senses are bombarded as the piece becomes a potent psychoactive substance. The pluridisciplinary artist explores remediated liveness intensified by pulsating rhythms and colours, costumes and distorted voices.
“With this (analysis) method you can see the living blood, the activity of the corpuscles, of bacteria. I’ve peered down such a microscope, taking that dive into the inner body. It was strange way of plunging into my anatomy, of looking at myself, extracting part of myself for detailed observation, like enlarging or getting closer to a very intimate part of oneself. I wanted this performance to be like sitting down together in a lab, in a human anatomy lab.” Jefta Van Dinther

Here is a link to the FTA’s Webpage where you could watch a trailer of the show . You will find attached a press release with many more details that we invite you to share with your networks. Please do not hesitate to communicate with me for further information.