Post 6 of 6: Wrap-Up

This is post 6 of 6 this afternoon and will bring to a close our May 2021 virtual meeting. If you’re just now joining us, scroll back to today’s Post 1 of 6 to enjoy the whole meeting, start to finish.


Here’s another baker’s-dozen of cheesy Star Wars dad jokes!

1) Darth Vader walks into a vegetarian restaurant, seats himself, and peruses the menu. He calls a waiter over and says, “I find your lack of steak disturbing!”

2) Biology question: what is the internal temperature of a Tauntaun?… Lukewarm!

3) How long has Anakin Skywalker been evil?… Since the Sith grade!

4) How did Darth Vader know what he was getting for Christmas?… He felt his presents!

5) Does R2D2 have any brothers?… No, just transistors!

6) Is BB hungry?… No, BB-8!

7) Darth Vader cheats at poker! He always wins because he alters the deal!

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9) What is Chewbacca’s favourite Web site?… Wookieeleaks!

10) What is Jabba the Hutt’s middle name?… The!

11) What do you call a droid that takes the long way around?… R2 Detour!

12) Darth Vader and the Emperor attend a Star Wars collectibles auction. Vader turns to the Emperor and asks, “What is thy bidding, my master?”

13) Why did Chapters 4, 5, and 6 come out before Chapters 1, 2, and 3?… Because in charge of the release schedule Yoda was!


We hope you have enjoyed your time with us this afternoon, and we ask all of you to check in regularly here at for additional content during this continuing pandemic, and for any news as to when the club expects a return to face-to-face meetings. Thank you for your interest and attention, and don’t forget to comment on today’s offerings!

We’d also like to thank Joe Aspler, Keith Braithwaite, and Cathy Palmer-Lister for putting this May 8, 2021 DIY, Virtual MonSFFA Meeting together, with a nod, as well, to our supporting contributors today.

Until next month, when we will gather virtually once again, please continue to exercise all recommended safety practises, and get your shots as soon as the vaccination is made available to you! Continued patience, discipline, and emotional fortitude is key to seeing us all safely through these final months of the pandemic. Stay strong!