POST 1 of 8: Introduction, Quickie Quiz

This is the first of eight related posts constituting this afternoon’s MonSFFA e-meeting.

A couple of weeks ago, the Winnipeg Jets hosted our Montreal Canadiens and before puck-drop, the local Hoosli Ukrainian Male Chorus was welcomed to the ice and sang a stirring rendition of the Ukrainian national anthem to thunderous applause:


This is our 24th virtual MonSFFA get-together—that’s a full two years of monthly online club meetings!

The afternoon’s get-together will unfold both on Zoom and right here on the club’s Web site over the course of the next few hours, beginning with this first post, and followed by subsequent posts at 1:30PM, 2:30PM, 2:45PM, 3:00PM, and 3:15PM, 4:15PM, with a final post at 4:45PM. All posts will also be available concurrently on MonSFFA’s Facebook page (, however, note that the interface best suited for taking in this meeting is this very Web site.

As we cannot yet, with reasonable safety for all, assemble in larger numbers indoors, this March 2022 virtual meeting has been prepared especially for you, MonSFFA’s membership. Sit back, check out each of the afternoon’s posts, scroll down leisurely through the proffered content, and enjoy!

Don’t forget to comment on what we’ve presented. Let us know what you think of specific topics or the meeting overall. Your input helps us to tailor these virtual meetings for maximum interest and enjoyment.

And, of course, you can participate, as well, on Zoom!


To join our Zoom video-chat, which will run throughout the course of the meeting in tandem with the Web site-based content presented, simply click here and follow the prompts: This Afternoon’s MonSFFA e-Meeting on Zoom

If you’re not fully equipped to Zoom by computer, you can also join in by phone (voice only); in the Montreal area, the toll-free number to call is: 1-438-809-7799. If you’re from out of town, find your Zoom call-in number here: Call-In Numbers

Also, have this information on hand as you may be asked to enter it:

Meeting ID: 852 6845 9705
Passcode: 615915


Here’s the agenda for this afternoon’s virtual meeting:


We all, on occasion, have trouble remembering the title of a classic SF/F TV show or a particular episode, or that of an old sci-fi movie we haven’t seen since we were 11 years old! It’s on the tip of our tongue, but we…simply…can’trecall

Perhaps we’re telling a fellow SF/F fan about this really cool gem—a paragon of the genre, no less—that they absolutely must watch, one that we fondly recollect having thoroughly enjoyed as a youngster. Yet we can’t quite remember the pertinent details of the production, like its title!

We recall certain particulars, yes—a memorable alien or monster featured, a cast member or guest star, a specific scene, an unforgettable ending, details major or minor that, for whatever reason, have stuck with us all these years—but we just can’t quite put our finger on the exact title!

We stammer, we sputter, we cluck our tongues, and we finally utter something like, “It starred what’s-his-name, that guy who was in that other movie!” Or, “You know, the episode where they…” Or, “the one with the…”

Below are a baker’s dozen such paltry descriptions of an SF/F television series, episode, or of a film; can you extricate the exact title for each from the cobwebbed recesses of your mind?

Good luck, and, of course, play fair; no resorting to Google for the answers! You can ask a friend for help, however, as long as your friend’s name isn’t Siri or Alexa!

1) What was the title of that old science fiction show? You know, the one that showed an undulating line at the beginning of each episode and told you there was nothing wrong with your television set, and not to adjust the picture!

2) What was the title of that X-Files episode? You know, the one where Mulder and Scully are dancing together at a Cher concert in the closing scene.

3) What was the title of that old sci-fi flick? You know, the one where Frankenstein races against Rocky Balboa!

4) What was the title of that original-series Star Trek episode? You know, the one with the Mugato.

5) What was the title of that old creature feature? You know, the one with the giant octopus that pulls down the Golden Gate Bridge!

6) What was the title of that old Lost in Space episode? You know, the one with the giant talking carrot!

7) What was the title of that old Twilight Zone episode? You know, the one where the Penguin survives a nuclear war, finds piles of books to read in the rubble of the town library, but then accidently shatters his glasses so he can’t read any of them!

8) What was the title of that Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea episode? You know, the one where they take aboard Seaview some kind of plankton that keeps growing and growing out of control!

9) What was the title of that Star Trek: The Next Generation episode? You know, the one where the aliens speak in metaphors!

10) What was the title of that old dinosaur movie? You know, the one on an island where the guy fights a Tyrannosaurus rex with a mechanical excavator!

11) What was the title of that original-series Jonny Quest episode? You know, the one with the prehistoric Pteranodon!

12) What was the title of that Wonder Woman TV episode? You know… The show starred Lynda Carter… It was the episode that introduced Wonder Woman’s younger sister, Wonder Girl!

13) I remember this one episode of the Buck Rogers in the 25th Century TV series… There was a spaceship that looked like Montreal’s Olympic Stadium, flipped over! And Catwoman was the villain! What was the title of the thing, again?

The answers will be revealed at 4:45PM, in the final post of today’s e-meeting!


Space Weather News for March 11, 2022

GEOMAGNETIC STORM WATCH (G2-CLASS): Earlier today the sun launched a full halo CME into space. The storm cloud is expected to hit Venus on March 13th followed by Earth later the same day. NOAA forecasters say that G2-class geomagnetic storms are possible when the CME arrives. Full story @

Aurora Alerts: Sign up for Space Weather Alerts and get instant text notifications when geomagnetic storms are underway.
Above: A full halo CME is heading for Earth. Image credit: the Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO).

Aurora Awards: Nominations open

Join the Canadian Science Fiction and Fantasy Association, to nominate and vote for the Aurora Awards. Also, you get a great deal in reading material when the nominations are announced!   CPL

Aurora Awards
Canadian Science Fiction and Fantasy Association


Nominations are now open to CSFFA members and will close on March 26th at 11:59 pm EDT. You may select/change/remove items at any time until nominations close.

All twelve categories are open this year and members may select up to five different works in each category. Select works from the dropdown lists, which are sorted by title. If you want to remove an item that you have chosen, select the blank line at the top of the dropdown list. You must click the Update button at the bottom of each nomination form to save your selections. Your choices will be displayed on your nomination central page.

You don’t have to nominate in all categories. Nominate those works that you enjoyed, because this is your chance to have your favorite works from 2021 on this year’s Aurora Awards final ballot. The top five most-nominated works in each category will be selected to be on the final ballot.

Items on our eligibility lists have been submitted by publishers, authors, and fans, and verified by a team of CSFFA volunteers. To review what is eligible for this year’s awards you can go to our public eligibility page. Unlike our dropdown lists, these lists are sorted by author’s or creator’s first name.


Space Weather News for March 7, 2022
https://www.spaceweatheralerts.comNASA ROCKET PLUNGES INTO PULSATING AURORAS: Over the weekend, NASA launched a rocket from Alaska into an expanse of mysterious pulsating auroras. This type of aurora, which is a bit like a strobing checkerboard, is a favorite among tour guides because it is so unusual and mesmerizing. Researchers are just beginning to understand what makes it tick. Full story @

Solar Flare Alerts: Sign up for Space Weather Alerts and get instant text notifications when solar flares are underway.

Above: A NASA sounding rocket launches into pulsating auroras over the University of Alaska’s Poker Flat Research Range on March 5th. Photo credit: Marketa S. Murray of The Aurora Chasers.

Mysterious new substance possibly discovered inside Earth’s core

Mysterious new substance possibly discovered inside Earth’s core

Earth's core is weirder than first thought.
Earth’s core is weirder than first thought. (Image credit: Shutterstock)

Earth’s inner core may be filled with a weird substance that is neither solid nor liquid, according to a new study.

For more than half a century, scientists believed that Earth‘s deepest recesses consist of a molten outer core surrounding a densely compressed ball of solid iron alloy. But new research, published Feb. 9 in the journal Nature, offers a rare insight into the inner structure of the planet — and it’s far weirder than previously thought.

New computer simulations suggest that Earth’s hot and highly pressurized inner core could exist in a “superionic state” — a whirling mix of hydrogenoxygen and carbon molecules, continuously sloshing through a grid-like lattice of iron.


Sea Monkeys and Other Wonders

Order Yours Today: Sea-Monkeys and Other Fantastic Wonders From the Back Pages of Comic Books!

Remember those crazy, wild, and amazing novelty products advertised on the back pages of comic books in the 1960s and ’70s? From the inveterate Sea-Monkeys to X-Ray Specs to a one-man submarine, we’ll look at what was advertised, and what you actually received in the mail if you ordered!

Don’t miss Keith’s presentation March 12th, 13:30h, right here on

Or join us on Zoom. For the link, please contact

Nosferatu: A Symphony of Horror

Nosferatu: The monster who still terrifies, 100 years on

From the BBC:
From his shadow to his gaunt face, the vampire Count Orlok in 1922’s Nosferatu: A Symphony of Horror remains one of film’s most spine-tingling creations. Nicholas Barber examines why.

It was exactly 100 years ago, in March 1922, that Berlin’s movers and shakers attended the premiere of FW Murnau’s Nosferatu: A Symphony Of Horror, and saw the nightmarish Count Orlok springing bolt upright from his coffin. Those unsuspecting viewers could well have witnessed the first great jump scare in the history of horror movies. They had certainly witnessed its first great monster. An unofficial adaptation of Bram Stoker’s Dracula – hence the Count’s name-change from Dracula to Orlok – this silent masterpiece pioneered techniques and established horror tropes that have been used ever since. But the creation of the iconic Orlok, played by Max Schreck, is its supreme achievement. He is, says Cristina Massaccesi, in her guide to Nosferatu for the Devil’s Advocates horror history series, “the Ur-Vampire, the father of all undead creatures lurking in the darkest recesses of a cinema screen”.

 He is also one of the few monsters to be instantly recognisable, even in silhouette. Murnau makes spine-tingling use of his shadow – and once you see the outline of Orlok’s domed, bald head, his pointed ears, his hunched shoulders, his stick-thin body and his snaking talons, you know who’s on the prowl. Then you see his gaunt, chalk-white face. More animal than human, Orlok has huge bushy eyebrows, sunken eyes, a beaky nose, and a rodent’s incisors in the centre of his mouth (far odder than the sharp canines possessed by later screen vampires). As Kevin Jackson says in Constellation of Genius, his survey of 1922 in the arts, Orlok “must be the strangest and most hideous leading man in all cinema”.

Count Orlok was the distinctive vision of producer Albin Grau – and his original sketches are even creepier than in the finished film (Credit: Getty Images)
Count Orlok was the distinctive vision of producer Albin Grau – and his original sketches are even creepier than in the finished film (Credit: Getty Images)

Much of the credit for this strangeness should go to the producer of Nosferatu, Albin Grau. A student of the occult, he wrote an article claiming that, during World War One, a Serbian peasant had told him of his own encounters with vampires: “Before this wretched war, I was over in Romania,” said the peasant, allegedly. “You can laugh about this superstition, but I swear on the mother of God, that I myself knew that horrible thing of seeing an undead… or Nosferatu, as vampires are called over there.” In 1921, Grau set up an independent studio, Prana Film, but he also worked closely with Murnau as the designer of Nosferatu. With no earlier vampire films to copy or to react against, Grau had to dream up something new – and his sketches of Orlok, a spindly, demonic alien with glowing eyes, are even creepier than the version in the finished film.

READ the full article:

 Still creepy, after all these years! Watch it on Youtube:

Montreal Science Fiction and Fantasy Association