Draconis, free gaming festival in Montreal

Draconis is a role-playing game festival that will take place the weekend of February 28 to March 1st, 2019, at the Cégep du Vieux Montreal. Many games will be available to play under a variety of systems. The event is free and is open to people of all ages and levels of experience!


Game submission is complete, the schedule has been finalized, and it is now time for players to sign up for the games they want to play! There are over 81 different scenarios, using over 50 different systems, being played in over 108 different sessions over the weekend, including five different live-action events. So plenty to satisfy any gamer!

To sign up, please visit our Warhorn site and subscribe to the event. You’ll then be able to subscribe to individual games. If you are new to Warhorn, please consult our guide on the useful information page. Sign-up will be open until February 27th at 8:00 pm, after which time we will print the on-site sign-up sheets.

While we have your attention, please review our rules and policies.

Spaces usually go fast, so sign up quickly!


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