WisCon Needs Help

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WisCon Needs Help

WisCon is a feminist science fiction convention dating to 1977, held every year in Madison, Wisconsin (excepting an online event in 2020). It is the latest convention to appeal to the fannish public to help it continue past 2021.

Treasurer Kit Stubbs lays out the problems in a blog post here. First, SF3, the organization behind WisCon, faces a shortfall of at least $76,000, more if the 2022 convention doesn’t fill its room block. Second, it has an even more drastic shortfall of volunteers to help run the convention. Third, it is attempting to do more work lately:

WisCon’s roots are grounded in white feminism, and WisCon continues to struggle with racism and with finding ways to center attendees of color who have been harmed. The Town Hall marks a key point in our antiracist work to bring WisCon, particularly as experienced by our attendees and volunteers of color, into better alignment with our values­even if this means that white attendees will have to sit with discomfort.

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SF3 is accepting donations via PayPal, but would also be just as happy if people could register for WisCon and buy tickets to its bonus fundraising event.

Details on some volunteer positions, including expected time commitment, are in a previous blog post. Stubbs also encourages interested parties to attend WisCon’s upcoming online volunteer info session.

Tone Madison has more background and further information, along with a sampling of reaction from the WisCon community. The initial response has been encouraging, but there is a long way to go:

Some larger donors have stepped up to offer $15,000 in matching funds, Stubbs says. As of Monday night, about $3,500 in other donations had come in toward the match, and 21 new volunteers had signed up.