The latest issue of Impulse, March 2020, has been released and is also available right here:


In addition, it’s archived on this Web site, along with previous issues, under the “Impulse” drop-down menu.

Here, for your quick perusal, are the details of the club’s upcoming March 7 meeting, as printed in this issue of the club news bulletin:

1:00PM-5:00PM, St-François Room (second floor), Hôtel Espresso, 1005 Guy St.

Meeting Theme: Costuming! With Costume-Con in Montreal this year, we encourage MonSFFen to bring in their best costumes and accessories (or photos thereof) for display!


1:00PM-2:30PM; Costuming Show-and-Tell No. 1:

Today is a good day to DIY! Moulding your own Klingon forehead prosthetic—see how it’s done!

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2:30PM-3:15PM; Costuming Show-and-Tell No. 2:

We welcome two talented costumers from among our ranks for a brief “show-and-tell” on some of the cool, award-winning genre costumes they have fashioned over the years!

3:15PM-3:30PM; Mid-Meeting Break:

Fund-raising raffle; brief discussion of club business, including proposal for an early (April) field trip

3:30PM-4:15PM; Calling Occupants of Interplanetary Craft!:

How likely is it that we will make contact with an advanced extraterrestrial civilization one day? Or have we already?

4:15PM-5:00PM; Workshop:

Learn how to paint plastic dollar-store toy “weapons” and paraphernalia to appear more realistic!

We’ll See You at the Meeting!