Milky Way’s Central Black Hole Brightens

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Milky Way’s Central Black Hole Brightens

Tuan Do (UCLA) and colleagues have caught an unprecedented boost in the glow coming from gas just outside our galaxy’s central black hole, Sgr A*.

The uptick appeared in infrared images taken this past spring with the Keck II Telescope on Maunakea, as part of the UCLA Galactic Center Group’s ongoing monitoring of Sgr A*. The increase is twice as bright as anything observed from the black hole since astronomers first detected variations in its light in 2003. Thus, it’s hard to reconcile as a random blip.

It might be that Sgr A* is chomping down on an extra helping of hot gas, perhaps dished up from its surroundings by the gravitational consequences of the star S2’s close pass in 2018, or by that of the dusty object G2 in 2014. The team continues to watch the black hole to see whether the increase in activity continues.

The result appears in the September 10th Astrophysical Journal Letters.