November 2023 MonSFFA Meeting, Post 6 of 7, 3:30PM; Presentation-Gallery: Air Shows and Aviation Museums


Many SF fans are modelers and fans of old airplanes. This is a presentation on airshows and aviation museums. These include the RAF Museums (London and Cosford), the National Air and Space Museum (Washington), the USAF Museum (Dayton), the Imperial War Museum (Duxford), the RCAF Museum (Trenton), and the Canadian Aviation and Space Museum (Ottawa).

WWII-era Lancaster bomber, Canadian Aviation and Space Museum, Ottawa.

During my life as a business traveller, I spent the equivalent of more than three years on the road: airplanes, airports, hotels, meetings, taxis, rental cars….. That’s one reason why I missed so many monthly MonSFFA meetings, and several ConCepts as well. One benefit at least was that I could arrange side visits. Some destinations had air museums. Other destinations even had an air show.

This is a presentation on some of those places. Note that you’re seeing only a small selection of a vast number of aircraft. All are rare, and some are irreplaceable last examples.

Note: the slides that our in-person audience will see during this particular presentation have been uploaded to our Website and are viewable, here below. Click on a slide for a closer look.