Time for the break! Grab a bheer, and read up on the latest club news, admire the model displays, and check out the raffle prizes! 

WARP 111 was reviewed in Guy Lillian’s TZD.

NB: Guy works from a template, hence the credit going to Cathy rather than Danny and Val. It should be correct for the next one! To view WARP 111, Click here.

Once upon a time one of the purposes of SF clubs was to put forth fanzines featuring work by the club members – Minneapolis had Rune, LASFS Shangri L’Affaires, New Orleans Nolazine. North of the border the practice still reigns,with excellent Warp, edited by the better-than-excellent Cathy Palmer-Lister. Class act: friendly, attractive, witty, inclusive. That could be either the editor or the genzine, but I better cut it out:it reads like I’m pitching woo. Anyway, a beautiful antique-ish cover by Ingrid Kallick leads to a brief lettercol, club news, and Keith Brathwaite’s anguished memorial to his friend and fellow MonSFFAn, Sylvan St-Pierre. Fan fiction and a good essay on “The Cold Equations”, one of SF’s most controversial and enduring stories, follow, as do a slew of decent genre reviews by Braithwaite. {Yes, I loved A Quiet Place II; no, I haven’t been able to see the “Zach Snyder cut” of Justice League [which I both fear – I loathed what Snyder did in Man of Steel – and anticipate] and never heard of The Nevers.) Donny Sichel’s report on the World Fantasy Con reminds us that the event will return to New Orleans in the near future … hopefully a near future where COVID is contained and Cathy & Co. can write up WFC for Warp.

 Display Table
Wayne is building model space ships

Starburst MK1 (B5), Hawk MKIX (Space 1999) same size
Scale 1/72, and the Jupiter 2. Bottom, right, Enterprise and BoP at  1/537 Scale.

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Dan Kenney is adding ratlines to his pirate ship, which in a former life was a Chinese junk. The ratlines are metal, he will straighten them later.

The Raffle Prizes  (Click to view full size)

Mecha Japanese Capsule Toy, donated by Brian Knapp

Supervillain/superhero Stikfas set donated by Brian Knapp

From Sylvain’s legacy: A set of Dr Who Trading cards

Multiple Hugo Award winner Vernor Vinge’s first full-length novel 1987 Paperback, a bit yellow, but looks unread. Cover Tom Kidd Donated by MonSFFA.

Full box, Tom Kidd trading cards, Sylvain’s legacy

1982 – Prix Boréal, 1982 – Prix Rosny-Aîné, 1982 – Grand Prix de la science-fiction française, from Sylvain’s collection

Sequel to King Kong, being released just nine months after and is the second entry of the King Kong franchise. Sylvain’s collection

Hollywood Science: Hollywood’s depiction of scientists and their work; how accurately these films capture scientific fact and theory. Sylvain’s Collection

Three issues of Mad Magazine from the 1970s, including January 1978 – their very first Star Wars parody.