Post 6 of 6: August 8 DIY, Virtual MonSFFA Meeting

This is post 6 of 6 today, and will close this afternoon’s virtual MonSFFA meeting. If you’re just now joining us, scroll back to today’s Post 1 of 6 to enjoy the whole meeting, start to finish.


This one’s a Britney Spears take-off by Five Times August (


Last month we announced that we’re looking for summer drink recipes—tasty tropical cocktails, refreshing fruit-flavoured slushes, and thirst-quenching lemonades, mixed with or without alcohol! We’ve received a few and would like to add just a few more to the list, so do send in your submissions. Here, again, are the details:

Confer upon us your enticing recipe and give your commixture a groovy science fiction-ish moniker—Forbidden Pomegranate Lemonade, Krell Cooler, Planet X Holiday Punch, Gallifreyan Gimlet, Buffy the Vodka Slayer, Vulcan Voodoo, Salarian Spritzer, Alabama Hammer’s Slammer, Dosadi Daiquiri, Tran-Ky-Ky Mai Tai, Kessel Rum, you get the idea—then e-mail your recipes to me, your humble club vice-president, Keith Braithwaite (

Be certain to list ingredients and clearly specify measures, garnishes, and any special instructions regarding preparation and serving. Include a brief few words on the delectable allure of your particular magical summertime potion and why it intoxicates you so, how you came to discover or create the drink, what was the inspiration for the name you’ve given it, that kind of thing. And if you would, pour your libation into a tall glass and snap a photo to send along with your recipe.

E-mail your recipes to me at Looking forward to receiving the mad-science formulas for your breezy-cool thirst-slaking melanges!


We launched a trivia challenge back in April, expecting at that time to be back together in a meeting room by summer, at which point we’d collect the 19-question quiz folk had completed, tally up the scores, and ask a final, winner-determining 20th question.
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Well, it looks like we may not be seeing each other in person for some time yet, so we’re going to modify the plan. We’re dispensing with the 20th question and simply accepting by e-mail answers to the 19 question-quiz (ignore the part of the instructions printed at the top of the quiz sheet pertaining to the 20th question, and to bringing in your completed quiz). Our deadline for getting your completed quizzes in to us is August 22, two weeks from today.

Scores will then be tallied from all received entries, a winner determined, and a prize mailed by conventional post to that person. In the case of a tie, the winner will be determined by random draw. Send your quiz answers to; please include your name and mailing address with your answers, including postal code. Here again is the quiz sheet, for those who may not have downloaded it back in April:



We hope you have enjoyed your time with us this afternoon, and we ask all of you to check in here at regularly for additional content during this continuing period of strangeness, and for any news as to when the club expects to return to face-to-face gatherings. Thank you for your interest and attention, and don’t forget to comment on today’s meeting!

We’d also like to thank Sylvain St-Pierre, Joe Aspler, Cathy Palmer-Lister, and Keith Braithwaite for putting this August 2020 DIY Virtual MonSFFA Meeting together, with a nod, as well, to our contributors today.

Until we meet again, farewell, keep on social distancing and washing your hands often, and when in public, wear a mask!


We’ll end off today with another one by Dovelybell: (

4 thoughts on “Post 6 of 6: August 8 DIY, Virtual MonSFFA Meeting”

    1. And wonderful to meet you again! I remember you gave a fascinating talk on alchemy at Ad Astra. That would make a wonderful presentation. It can be done in slides, as Joe and Sylvain do, or as a document with inserted pictures as Keith does.

    1. A whole lot cheaper!! However, having promised that we would extend the memberships through the pandemic, we have no income. However, having said that, we are looking into getting a Zoom subscription. We miss the social aspect of the club more than anything,and having a subscription would give us a chance to meet even more often.

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