Post 3 of 6

It’s time for the break! Get yourself a bheer, a snack, and ZOOM.  Zooming is easy, just click the link you were sent in the email. You do not need a camera, and you can participate with a keyboard. Zooming is easier on a desktop, but mine does not have a camera, so I use both a tablet AND a desktop.


The Fernster has been putting his imagination to work– on clothes pins! He writes:

Project: Alien Pins, By Fernster

This was something I started a few years ago and it has been an ongoing project. It occurred one day while bored with what I was watching on television. I had a pen and a clothes pin and I started to doodle. Before long I had over a dozen different decorated clothes pins with strange aliens and/or space ships drawn on them.

The project’s early efforts only had the drawings on one side of the pin but this has now evolved into doing the complete surfaces of the pin. I’m not really an artist but I really enjoy doing these crudely drawn aliens. I can go for months without doing any but I’ve also done 3-5 in a week. I sometimes wonder if this could actually be called art as it is very amateurish and incomplete. In any case, here are a few pictures for your enjoyment….

Click a thumbnail to view full size

The tools I usually use…although I have used sharpies and even model paints too.

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Thanks to Sylvain, and Lloyd & Yvonne Penney, we have genre masks to offer as prizes this month! Prizes will be mailed to 3 winners as names will be pulled from 3 hats: Platinum members, regular members, visiting members. For a chance to win, participate in our meeting! Join the Zoom, put something on the display table,  leave comments on our website or facebook page/group. Join our virtual conversation, it’s fun!


About WARP: It is being kept alive by dedicated members, but always the same few. Is it worth the time and expense? I need to hear from you!

The booksale in November: I contacted the Espresso and learned that the St-François room was converted into office space, and they are not currently taking reservations for the Grand Salon. Hang onto your books for next year, it seems likely we will be cancelling that event.

Conventions & Events: Most everything scheduled for 2020 is postponed, cancelled, or on line. See

7 thoughts on “Post 3 of 6”

  1. Hey, Fern. Don’t worry about your “crudely drawn aliens.” Art is so much more than a technical proficiency at realistic drawing; it’s about emotion, it’s about how the image–design, colour, tone–makes one feel, about what it evokes in the viewer. So don’t sell yourself short. I saw in your pins some nice design work, reminiscent of traditional native art, Polynesian “Tiki” motifs, or African tribal designs. Simple doesn’t mean amateurish. The works of Mondrian, Picasso, Van Gogh, Jackson Pollock, and Canada’s own Group of Seven are certainly classed as art, despite their work being, particularly in some cases, far from a realistic depiction of the subject.

    I can recall, as a youngster, disassembling clothespins and gluing the wooden halves together back to back, adding a few blocks of balsa, toothpicks as masts, and coloured paper as sails to make tiny toy sailing ships, which I’d then paint. Pretty soon I had myself a whole merchant fleet and a few pirate ships!

  2. Warp is important….I have tried to send in stuff but I am going through a tough time in my personal life at the moment. I have stopped writing at the moment but I try to send something from time to time. I only hope it is helpful in some way. Maybe losing the physical paper copy would save some money in the long run…

  3. Sorry to hear about the book sale, but I imagine it will be extra-spectacular next year.

    1. I hope so! Someone contacted me about the sale and asked if he could come buy what we still had. Maybe a few bucks come in to pay postage costs.

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