Pat’s Fantasy Hotlist

Pat is a Montrealer. His website is internationally known, something I didn’t realize until a Con*Cept GoH from the States mentioned him to me. He and I have similar tastes, but I never got into the Kushiel books.  And yes, I did try to get him to Con*Cept, and he did come for a bit, but was unable to commit to a weekend as Guest.

When Pat says something is perfect…

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People have often criticized me for being too demanding when I review a novel. They often complain about the fact that very few books ever get a score higher than my infamous 7.5/10. But the fact is that year in and year out, there are always a number of works ending up with an 8/10 or more.

When I announced on the Hotlist’s Facebook page last week that Jacqueline Carey’s Kushiel’s Avatar would get a 10/10, some people were shocked. I received a couple of messages asking me if it was the first book to get a perfect score from me. I knew there were a few, but I actually had to go through my reviews to find out exactly how many of them had wowed me to perfection. Interestingly enough, in the eleven years I’ve been reviewing books, Carey’s Kushiel’s Avatar will be the 11th novel to garner a perfect score. The 13th, if you throw the Mötley Crüe biography and GRRM’s The World of Ice and Fire into the mix.