Category Archives: Astronomy News

Pluto Aerial Tour

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Postcards from Pluto

The downloading of images from the New Horizons spacecraft began over the Labour Day weekend.

The detail is incredible, click on this image of Charon. you won’t believe the resolution.  The smallest visible charon-9-10-15feature is just a bit under 5km in size.

” Images downlinked in the past few days have more than doubled the amount of Pluto’s surface seen at resolutions as good as 400 meters (440 yards) per pixel. They reveal new features as diverse as possible dunes, nitrogen ice flows that apparently oozed out of mountainous regions onto plains, and even networks of valleys that may have been carved by material flowing over Pluto’s surface. They also show large regions that display chaotically jumbled mountains reminiscent of disrupted terrains on Jupiter’s icy moon Europa.”
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Read the rest of the article, view the images:

Views of Pluto

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Views of Pluto Through the Years

This animation combines various observations of Pluto over the course of several decades.

Looking Up! Perseid Meteor Shower

The shower peaks on the night of August 12/13 around 2 AM, just one day before New Moon, but you can start watching for them all this week, and a few days after the peak.

With the Moon absent from the sky, observers under clear, dark skies can expect to see up to 100 “shooting stars” per hour, the maximum rate possible. Conditions haven’t been this good since 2010. The Perseids are known to produce fireballs, so even if you can’t get out of the city, it’s worth Looking Up!
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Now we need some cooperation from the weather gods!