Scintillation Update

From Jo Walton, an update on Scintillation.

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So surely surely by October everything will be all right again, civilization will arise again, there will be lemon scented paper napkins, and you’ll all come to Montreal and hug each other and eat in restaurants as in the halcyon and lovingly remembered past?

We really hope so, and we hear good things about vaccines and so on.

Meanwhile, we have reviewed our contract with the hotel, and fortunately we can get out of it with no penalty up to 30 days ahead. So we will continue to plan for Scintillation happening as intended, and make a final decision depending on the state of the world in September. If we should have to cancel we will run the convention as planned but a year ahead in 2021, all memberships will stay valid for that. If we can’t run it in 2021 then civilization has worse problems than Scintillation.

Meanwhile, stay well, and keep up your spirits as best you can.

I’ve been working on A New Decameron: Stories For a Plague Year .This was Maya Chhabra’s wonderful idea. As you probably know, Boccaccio’s Decameron was written in the 1350s and set during the Black Death of 1498 when seven young womena and three young men go into self-isolation in a villa in the hills and occupy themselves telling storeis. For our New Decameron, I’m writing a frame story and various writer friends are contributing stories — a story every day. This has also inspired Hannah Dorsey, who some of you met at last year’s con, to set up a Discord group for reading Boccaccio’s book one story a day. There’s also a group being set up to read Dante’s Divine Comedy by @danteinquarantine on Twitter. I strongly urge everyone working at home and self-isolating or in quarantine to get involved in something like this with a community or by Scintillation half of us will be gibbering and gnawing the furniture. Learn a language with Duolingo. Work on Zooniverse projects. But do try to have something that’s fun, also involves other people, and with a sense of progress.

And on those lines, I am setting up a Scintillation Discord group, for general hanging out with each other and chatting. If you don’t have Discord it’s free to join. I know we already have a Slack, but Slack crashes my browser and it has ads and it’s slow, while Discord works and has no ads. Fpr those who aren’t familiar with it, it works like usenet but with no threading. (That invitation will expire, if you want a new one, email me.) This group is for past and present or intending future members of Scintillation.

Stay safe, stay in touch.