Scintillation update from Jo Walton

Scintillation Update from Jo Walton

It’s getting closer! I’m really looking forward to it now.

Scintillation membership closes next Sunday, 22nd, at midnight Montreal time. If you’ve been waiting to buy a membership, if you have friends who want to come OR if you want to convert from supporting to attending, do it before that. We mean this! We have a proper membership button on the website now. or email with any queries. We will not do at the door registration.

And now, fun things.

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Friday afternoon expeditions include a tour of the old port, a trip to Jean Talon Market, a trip to the Jardin Botanique and other activities. You don’t have to decide any of them in ahead of time, you can decide at dim sum or at the last minute. But if you want to do the tea tasting with Jon Singer at Camellia Sinensis, you have to pay for it in advance using the website, where it explains how to do it

Program(me) is done, and up on the website now, including brief panel descriptions. I think it’s OK and fairly self-explanatory, but if you spot errors or want to ask anything reply to this email. This year we’re doing 60 minute panels in 75 minute slots, to give time for bathroom breaks, moving between rooms, and over-run. We’re also doing an “In Conversation” series in the reading room, which I think will be terrific. We’re having a Joy of Reading panel on Sunday morning, and we’d be delighted if you bring along readings you love to share, which must be written by somebody else, not you, and not more than 5-10 monites max.