July 2023 Relax-a-ZOOM, Post 3 of 4: Break; Club Business, Lobby Card Game

For the first time in over three years, MonSFFA will be hosting a live, in-person meeting! It’s scheduled for next month!

When the COVID-19 pandemic was declared, we shut down our meeting schedule in keeping with safety protocols implemented at the time. We fully expected to return to a meeting hall in a few weeks, couple months, at most.


Much has changed in the intervening years. The club remained active, but online, quickly introducing a virtual meeting schedule, which developed to include a ZOOM-Chat component in parallel with posted material. This sustained us through the darkest days of the pandemic—remember those lockdowns and curfews!

We find ourselves, now, finally, able to host in-person meetings again after some two years of frustration talking with hotels that had jacked their prices to stratospheric heights way beyond reasonable, or simply shut down their function space altogether. Post-pandemic nerves kept many churches, schools, public libraries, and community centers either reluctant to accommodate us, or just plain unable, or unwilling to make room for us!

But we recently found a very inviting locale, and we’re excited to tell you all about it, and answer your questions about the when, where, and what about this and that! Our ZOOM-Chat for the next little while, therefore, will focus on this new development, and a few other matters related to the club’s activities.

MonSFFA Executive member Joe Aspler snapped the photos below of the facilities we expect to make our new home. There’s plenty of room for a meeting, and for large-scale events like a book sale, and there’s even a bar!

So, a quick overview of all this, and then we’ll field your questions.