equinox cracks are causing geomagnetic activity

Space Weather News for March 11, 2018

EQUINOX CRACKS FORMING IN EARTH’S MAGNETIC FIELD: The vernal equinox is less than 10 days away. That means one thing: Cracks are opening in Earth’s magnetic field. The seasonal phenomenon is known as the “Russell-McPherron effect,” named after the researchers who first explained it more than 40 years ago. These “equinox cracks” are causing geomagnetic activity and bright auroras around the Arctic Circle even without strong solar activity. Visit today’s edition of Spaceweather.com for the full story.

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Above: This outburst of auroras over Norway was caused by a crack in Earth’s magnetic field that opened on March 9th. Photo credit: Kristin Berg. Browse the aurora photo gallery for more sightings.

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