Amazing Auroras

Apparently, the auroras were amazing–and I forgot to look! arrhhh!!!  –Cathy

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Space Weather News for Sept. 28, 2017 STRONG GEOMAGNETIC STORM: Knowing that a solar wind stream was heading for Earth, forecasters predicted a geomagnetic storm last night. However, they didn’t predict it would be so strong, a G3-class event. During the peak of this surprising space storm, Northern Lights spilled over the Canadian border into more than half a dozen US states. Visit for pictures of the display and updates as the solar wind continues to blow.

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Above: Auroras over Fairbanks, Alaska, on Sept. 28, 2017. “Indescribable!” says photographer Sacha Layos. “Truly one of the best shows I’ve ever seen.” Browse the Realtime Aurora Photo Gallery for more sightings.