Star Wars Fandom

Science Vs. Cinema co-creator James Darling has mashed together the ultimate supercut for Star Wars: The Force Awakens using all three trailers and the Comic-Con BTS reel.

The Binks Awakens–a quick jaunt through YouTube will pick up quite a few fans with a lot of time on their hands!

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Meanwhile, in Odessa, people dressed as Chewbacca and Stormtroopers from Star Wars attend the unveiling of the Darth Vader monument in Odessa on Friday. The monument, built around a bronze Lenin statue, which would have been torn down as part of Ukraine’s de-communisation legislation.  Darth Vader says that he is happy to be made into a monument while ‘still alive’.  Watch the video here,

palpatineA candidate who dresses as Star Wars villain Emperor Palpatine has been voted on to a Ukrainian city council despite standing as a joke. According to fellow candidate Aleksandr Borovik, the man posing as Sheev Palpatine, the Emperor of the Galactic Empire, won a place on Odessa City Council, in the south west of the country. It comes after the local electoral commission revealed that 48 candidates from the Darth Vader Block political party were registered to stand in the local election.  Emperor Palatine won 54.4 per cent of the poll. Mr Borovik, was heard to say, “This is beyond my understanding. People, what’s wrong with you?’

ChewyChewbacca was arrested while campaigning for Darth Vader on election day. Canvassing on the day of polls in Ukraine is banned. He was fined about 10$, but refused to pay, saying that his “funds are in an intergalactic bank that has no branches on this planet.” He also had his lightsaber and laser gun confiscated.

Video footage from the arrest showed a growling Chewbacca resisting four law enforcement officers, who were forced to pin him down on the hood of a van to handcuff him.